Conscious Divorce
Practicing family law for over two decades and having experienced my own divorce in the traditional system, has forced me to find a new way to help clients through this difficult transition period. Grounded in my education in law and psychology combined with years of practicing mindfulness has manifest into what I refer to as "Conscious Divorce".
​What is conscious divorce?
It's a new paradigm where a divorce lawyer, mediator, or coach acts as a peacemaker and healer providing a truly integrative and healing experience to all involved in the process of separation. A conscious divorce focuses on reasonable, peaceful solutions during a difficult transition time for your family. Through the use of mediation and counseling I empower and guide parties to reflect on and negotiate their differences out of court saving time, money and major emotional drain. A conscious divorce costs significantly less than traditional divorces because you control your needs and pricing. Unlike traditional hourly fees, a conscious divorce can be accomplished with one fixed fee.
Why a conscious divorce?
The traditional family law system exacerbates conflict in an already contentious and highly emotional situation. Trusting overburdened Judges, family counselors and attorneys, who are strangers with limited perspectives of your family, is an outdated paradigm that typically makes matters worse. Simply put, the current family law system has a significant emotional and financial price tag with predictable results. Why pay thousands of dollars fighting in Court when decades of experience can forecast the outcome of your case and get you to an efficient resolution so you can begin to heal?
How does a conscious divorce work?
A conscious divorce is not ego driven and focuses on resolving issues from a holistic and centered approach where all perspectives are taken into consideration. The focus is on issue resolution so the healing process can begin. An initial consultation will empower you with the legal facts and guidance necessary for you to make an informed decision about how to proceed with your divorce. The fee for a conscious divorce depends upon the degree of your needs, but is fixed, removing monetary incentives.
Where do you begin?
Whether you are contemplating divorce or in the midst of one, contact me for a menu of options and Fee Schedule or schedule a consultation.
Click on the email below to contact me or call.